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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Instructions1. In this worksheet tab (Customer Contract type & Instr), Calculate the following: – Profit generated by Contract (insert in Column G3 – G 162) – Calculate the average profit Generated for all contracts (insert in G162) – Calculate the average contract amount for all contracts (insert in D162) 2. Copy all rows and columns “A” through “G” to the “Contract Type” worksheet Tab and sort by Contract type.Calculate the average sales and profit for each contract type – insert into a table on that worksheet3. Copy all rows columns A through G to the “Customer Type” Worksheet tab and sort by Customer type, then calculate the average sales and profit by customer type – insert into a table on that worksheet 4. Build a pivot Table & Chart of average contract amount by Customer type (rows) and Contract type (Columns) With Average Contract amounts see area below. 5. Build a pivot Table & Chart of the average Profit by Customer type (rows) and Contract type (Columns) With Average Contract profits see area below.6. After analyzing the data in these two pivot-tables and charts, explain the findings and draw conclusions for strategies going forward. Insert in the designated area to the left. 7. Create a Histogram of the Contract Amounts. Insert below in the designated area.

Psychology homework help

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