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Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses Students will complete an 8-page (including title and reference pages) providing a critical look at the coverage of a social problem in the news media.In the year 1994 Israel transferred the governance on Gaza to the Palestinian authority. From the year 2007, the city was governed by a Palestinian group which is famous as Hamas. They claimed that they are the representative of Palestinian people and Palestinian National Authority and on behalf of them they started to govern this region. At that point of time the president of Palestine declared that the governance by the Hamas group was unauthorized and illegal. So he formed a new government without taking participation of any member of Hamas. In the year 2008, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan responded against Hamas and supported the president of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas as the sole Palestinian Government. From this time the violation activities were started. Egypt and Israel stopped all the cross border activities with Gaza. Israel allowed for providing very limited quantity of medical aid to this region. So this blockade was very much harmful for the economy as well as for the local people of this city. They were getting very basic medicine like pain killers or x-ray films which were not sufficient to cure from the diseases and as a result many of them died without getting proper treatment (Guerrero 270-272). Hamas continued to create violence by gathering arms from Egypt through tunnel. A huge number of Christians were killed from this violence. The library of the Christian Youth Organization which was situated in Gaza city was attacked. Hamas with their military group fired Qassam rockets on Israel. According to records this can be said that almost 822 mortar bombs and 697 rockets were fired at the Israel towns in the year 2007-08. Israel also stopped to supply of fuel and entry of goods in that region. Again in the year 2014, Hamas attacked on Israel and they targeted the Israel civilian for firing rockets and hence they violated the international law.

Economics homework help

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