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Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on lack of quality education in urban areas Paper must be at least 3500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Education is the cornerstone of America. This is reflected in the fact that from the early days of the formation of the country, the Founding Fathers saw fit to mandate a certain section of land throughout the nation to be reserved for the purposes of education. Through the years, communities have rallied behind education and truly sought to create a system where young people could thrive and flourish. These truths, unfortunately, are no longer evident in many urban areas of the country today. School buildings are crumbling, classes are overcrowded, and the lack of qualified teachers is overwhelmingly apparent. Academic achievement levels are at all-time lows in urban areas, while many suburban schools continue to flourish.&nbsp.The case can certainly be made for deriving the conclusion that urban education in the United States of America is lacking and suffering in innumerable ways. Children in urban communities across the country frequently suffer from inequalities that are not typically present in more bedrock and suburban communities. In addition, children fortunate enough to live within a higher socioeconomic class tend to receive more educational advantages and privileges when compared to children coming from a poor urban area. Poverty is inexplicably linked to race and ethnicity, which means that minorities are disproportionately affected by this social issue due to their disproportionate likelihood to be in such a demographic group (Dell’Angela, 2007). Many school districts around the country are located in urban centers that are home to a diverse population. As such, these areas require well trained and educated professionals to work with young people in order to accommodate their unique educational needs, yet the reality is that these areas are often lacking in such individuals. This situation, while challenging, presents a unique opportunity for research to be conducted in an effort to examine and possibly implement new strategies and perspectives designed to elevate that level of education offered in urban areas.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

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